Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Favorites - October 19

Sorry for only one post this week... It's been another crazy week!!  I am still working on getting into the habit of sharing with you more often. :) 
And today's Friday favorites is actually going to be a little different.  My favorite for the week is an amazing opportunity to give {and something you should know about me, giving is my favorite thing! I love to give to others, especially when it helps them}
A dear friend of mine is in the process of adopting a cutie names Nico!  How can you not love that face?!  And as any adoption, it takes a lot of money.  So to raise money the McIntee family is having a giveaway on their blog!  By making a small donation, you will get the opportunity to win 1 of 5 amazing gifts - beautiful artwork by Nico's future big sister, a cute doll, Starbucks gift card, a balance bike and the GRAND PRIZE is an iPad!!  It only $5 for 1 entry and you can purchase as many as you'd like!! You can also earn bonus entries by sharing the giveaway with others!
Please consider what you can do to help bring Nico home - I am so excited for Kara and her family and am thrilled for the day I will be able to meet this little guy!
As always, have an amazing weekend!!
Be sure to stop by our Etsy shop to see our new items if you get the chance. :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12 - Friday Favorites!

What?  It's Friday already?  Where did the week go?? :)  I really shouldn't complain - it's been a fantastic week!  We finally got the chance to play outside in the leaves which made Hannah and Mia so incredibly happy.  Their smiles and giggles always make my day.
So here we go - these are my Friday Favorites for this week:
As always, we hope you have a great weekend!!
Many blessings!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Yummy Pumpkin Donuts

I am not sure if it is the same where you are, but it seems like the temperatures dropped over night here in Iowa.  All last week the girls were begging us to rake the leaves we didn't have to jump in them, and now our yard is covered! As soon as the wind dies down, we'll be having some fall fun!
Also over the weekend, we did a little shopping and found THIS!
 A donut maker!  I am now the happiest mommy of a three year old ever!  I can now make my sweet girl some sugar free donuts!
And, I thought I would share our recipe with you!
Pumpkin Donuts
(adapted from {this} recipe
What you'll need:
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
3 large eggs
3/4 cup splenda
1 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
Mix all ingredients together until smooth
Then add
1 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
Mix until smooth.
 It took me a few tries to figure out the best way to fill our donut maker.  I was over filling and our little donuts didn't have holes :)
 This recipe makes A LOT of donuts - which was not a problem! We ate them all with no trouble!
 I hope you try and enjoy these donuts as much as we did!

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5th - Friday Favorites!

Goodbye September - Hello October! 
It amazes me how quickly times goes by.  This week was a more mellow week for our little family.  We spent lots of time playing outside - my girls' favorite thing to do.  And I had time to work on Halloween costumes!  {Yay!}  Yes - I make them, every year. I love it, part of the fun of the holiday for me.  Any guesses on what they might be this year?  Hint - It's an adorable little costume I found on Pinterest.  It's going to be a hoot! ;)
Well, what you have been waiting for - Friday Favorites!!
Today I have a sweet tooth and these tasty treats look delightful this Friday.
Yummy - these make me excited for the cooler fall temperatures and baking! Not that I really bake a lot, but it sounds good today!
What is your favorite snack?
Have a great weekend! See you next week with more favorites!
Questions or comments - email me -
I would {LOVE} to hear from you!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Spooktacular Sale - If you could cast a spell...

Halloween is right around the corner.  Everywhere you go, you see spooky {yet fun} decorations for this holiday, many include witches! This reminds me of a brief moment in our countries history in 1692-93 - the Salem Witch Trials.  During this time 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft and 20 were executed before admitting this was a mistake. 

This kind of gets me thinking...
If you could cast a spell, what would it be?
Here is how a few of my fellow Etsy shop owners in the Handmade Circle Team answer this question.
Holly at Holly's Homemade Goodies said:
"If I could cast a spell...I would stay skinny and 29 forever. Of course, everyone around me would continue to age and add on poundage. Oh! and I would make candy corns calorie and fat free"
{Be sure to check out this adorable Owl and Birds Quilt/Blanket}
Carlin of Polly-Wog Patterns said:
"My spell would be that everyone in our HMC team would feel very loved and appreciated and would sell everything in their shops by the end of the year."
{How cute is that Vintage Art Trading Card Ornament?!}
Ashley of Brenny's Bibbies said:
"A spell to get rid of financial woes.  Not to be rich, just to be able to get by without worrying."
{You must check out this cute Felt Witch Hat and Magic Wand set}
Neena at Handmade Exclusives said:
"If I could cast a spell... I would eliminate the need for folding laundry. The clothes would shake out, fold and in individual drawers they will go.  More time consuming and thankless chore I am yet to come upon... Not to mention how much more time there would be to paint."
{And painting Neena does well! These Hand Painted Note Cards are amazing!}
Jessica at The Prismatic Peacock says:
"If I could cast a spell... I would turn everyone I meet into a loyal customer of The Prismatic Peacock! That would make my business thrive for sure!"
{I am sure this smells delightful - Witching Hour Scented Natural Soy Candle}
JoAnn of I Sew Much Time said:
"If I could cast a spell... I would have groceries appear in the cabinets, pantry, refrigerator and freezer without going to the store!"
{I would love that! And I also love this Pumpkin and Crows Table Runner}
Marsha of Bags by Hags says:
"I would cast a spell,
For all of us to be well,
And it would be swell,
If everyone would sell, sell sell!
(very cute!!)
{As is this Pumpkin Hot Pad Set - perfect for fall}
Jayne of Twiggy and Opal says:
"My spell would be cast upon my Etsy shop! No one would be able to resist my creations and would have to buy! It would become so successful, that I could finally quit my day job and devote all of my time to the one thing I love to do-SEW!"
{And how could you not want to add this Red Quilted Pillow to your home?}
Shannon of A Moment in Paradise says:
"My spell would enable me to click my heals together and be transported to Key West any time I wanated."
{I just love this Graveyard Coffee Mug Candle... spooky and perfect for the holiday!}
Troy of California Mermaid says:
"If I could cast a spell, it would be that financial and other resources would always be available as I needed or wanted them!"
{And this Witch Bottle Cap Necklace is so fun!}
I think these are some great spells!  They all seem to be along the same line - making lives a little bit easier!  Wouldn't that be lovely?
You can check out these shops above and other wonderful Handmade Circle Shops and get a really great deal right!  Our Spooktacular Sale is going on now! Use coupon code HMCSPOOKY to get anywhere from 5-50% off your purchase!
You can check out a list of all the shops {HERE}